>填写邮箱用于订单查询,我们不会发送邮件 - 选择支付方式并支付 - 页面自动跳转获取链接(复制至浏览器打开即可加入)。Fill-in your email address to receive link or for order search - Select payment method and pay -Receive link and join.
>支付成功后页面自动跳转并显示邀请链接,复制至浏览器打开即可加入。如关闭页面或未找到链接,可查看预留邮箱内是否收到“确认邮件”或点击此处,直接点击下单浏览器一键查询或使用订单号|预留邮箱号进行查询。Invitation link available after checkout. In case you missed it, you could check with your Email inbox, or use Order Search function enter either one of: Order ID | Email addreess, or lately order purchase IP, you will see the Invitation Link.
>邀请链接仅可用1次,订阅期间请勿退出频道。根据需求选择会员类型,没有退款通道,付款前请三思。The invitation link is only available once. Please do not exit the channel during the subscription period.
>有任何问题请联系官方订阅助手 @boysbank_bot。If you have any questions, please contact @boysbank_bot